Dear friends please I want to thank God for the definition of Grace whereby they say that “Grace is unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.”
It is a friendly regard which God has shown toward a sinful man to bring about the forgiveness of sins and sanctification. Therefore, grace is always in operation to those who have heard the voice of the Lord and believed it, so when faith is in place, then the grace of God appears to that person who have the faith in God’s word.
It is an exceeding kindness or forgiveness in the way God gives treatment to a sinful man without being harsh to him so that man may not perish but live forever. It is an exceeding, exceptional or magnified mercy of God or lovingkindness which God gives to a person who is a slave of sin to become a slave of righteousness.
Its power that translates a person from the cursed life to live a blessed life before God. It’s the power from God that takes you out from the prison of toiling with sin into freedom practicing righteousness. Grace takes you from failure to success, and from death to life but it is possible for someone to miss the grace of God which is present to help you to have a better life.
In Hebrews 12:15-17 it says, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
See that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
Godlessness is the one which makes people not to seek God when things are good for them but they remember to pray to God when things has gone bad. And sometimes godless people go to pray when the grace of God to bless or healing them is over and they miss what they want from God. Esau missed the grace of God because he was a fornicator, therefore sin is the one which makes people to miss the grace of God although God has prepared a blessing for them from the foundation of the world. Esau missed his inheritance as the oldest son when he decided to enjoy the sin of fornication and refused to seek the Lord.
Many people were born in the grace of God to be blessed and to inherit the kingdom of God, but they will miss it due to godlessness. And when a person has already missed the grace of God, he becomes bitter and a murder. When Esau realized that he has missed his birthright blessings, he turned again his brother who got it and started his plans to kill him. When someone is out of grace, he can be killer although you are his real brother and that is why this kind of killing is also happening among the children of God. Christians who have left the grace, are hunting to kill those who are still in the grace of God. When a church leader leaves the grace, he becomes the greatest enemy of the body of Christ.
Your strength, cannot make you possess your inheritance, but the grace of God does. Esau was a very strong man who can go out to hunt for anything he wants in life and come back when he has it and that is why his father loved him so much. Although he was a very strong man, he missed his birth right when he started to live in sin. Jacob was not a strong man because the bible says, he could not go for hunting and that is why he was always in the kitchen with his mother, but because he was a God fearing person, he got the grace to possess the inheritance which was from his brother.
There was a transfer of inheritance from the wicked man Esau to a godly man Jacob. Today in the world, there are so many people who are poor, yet God created them at the beginning to possess everything, but because of living in sin, they have missed their inheritance. There are people today who will go to hell not because God has prepared them for hell, but they will go there after missing the grace of God to save them because of loving satanic sinful ways instead of God’s blessed way of life.
God will prosper a man under the grace of the Lord, because the bible says that when Jacob was leaving his father’s house, he left it with a staff in his hand, but when he was coming back, he came back to his father’s house with two companies and he was richer than his brother whom he left with all his father’s riches. God will always better the life of the person who is under the grace. In 1John1:8-10 the scripture says that “If we say that we have no sins, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us”. For its also written in 1Timothy 6:5 it says, “Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great gain”.
Friends, whoever preaches that we are the righteousness of Christ, so there is no need of repentance makes himself more righteous than God for the bible says that if we say that we have no sins, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. And whoever preaches like that makes God a liar and he is more righteous than God.
Today in the world, we have many preachers of grace who have no truth in them because they say that since we are in the grace dispensation, then we put on the righteousness of Christ, but they forget that the bible also says that, there is a child of promise and a child of bondage.
Isaac was a child of promise born in grace dispensation, so that means, all the children of Isaac are children who are born during the time of grace but the bible says that Esau missed the grace because he was a fornicator and immoral which means that although he was the child born in grace dispensation, he missed his inheritance and today when we talk of having eternal life, we get it through faith, grace, justification and then we possess our inheritance. The same problem Esau had which made him to miss the grace of God, it’s the same problem the world is advocating for and the church is quiet doing nothing about it, and that shows that the end is near.
What surprises us today, is that there are many so called churches including the born again Pentecostal evangelical and charismatic churches recommending immoral acts like homosexuality, killing the zygote or feotus, pornography, ungodly songs and dances, naked wearing in churches and they call it modernization.