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- To improve practical skills for women through training in income generation activities
- To increase awareness in Basic health education and HIV/AIDS advocacy and carry out counselling
- Also, to increase awareness in Gender issues, culture and civil consciousness.
Decades of under-development and brutal conflict, gender inequality, lack of resources and poor levels of education have left women in Kikondo Village, Tongolo Parish, Nyenga Sub-county, Buikwe district the poorest of the poor and the marginalized of the marginalized.” It is in this context that poverty is bread and sustained among women. And it is this context that Jesus Blessing Church want to put these women group under the tittle MISSWOTI [mission women training initiative project to work]
Mobilizing and training of community equipping women with critical life and hard work skills to enable them to improve their livelihoods by generating income to support their families.
2.1 GOAL
Contribute to increased skills in livelihood creation, leading to income generation and improving the socio-economic development and reduced poverty among poor women in Kikondo Village, Tongolo Parish,Nyenga Sub-county, Buikwe District in the area of:
To create a more equitable and peaceful society with equal access to resources and opportunities through advocacy training resources mobilization for direct assistance.
3.1. Improved practical skills for women in mechanical sewing skills, beads making, liquid soap, candles, Vaseline, and to give loans to widows for small scale businesses rotating among widows at least 80% by the end of the project.
3.2. Improved income and target beneficiaries at least 50% at the end of the project.
3.3. Increased awareness of the target group by at least 60% in:
- Basic health education and HIV/AIDS advocacy
- Gender issues cultural, and civil consciousness
3.4 Improved self-reliance and confidence in the targeted women in which at least 60% of the target woman demonstrate frankly and positively their new-found self-confidence to make it in the economic life.
Provide training to 60 women in two batches of 30 women with each batch having 6 months in cloth measurement cutting and sewing skills in this project training period.
Turning ordinary widows into extra ordinary by providing them training in small scale business and how to use money and budgeting. Providing loans at least 30 widows with training skills in business by the project training period.
Provide training to all the 120 women 60 in the measurement and cutting and sewing skills 60 with tie and dye candle, Vaseline, liquid soap and beads
Provide training to 30 women among the 60 women of tie and dye, candle, liquid soap beads and Vaseline with a training of hair dressing for 6months of the project period.
Provide training to all the 120 women in 12 months with all these training and skills that we have mention in this project at least they can be knowledge in all the activities and be self-reliance and help their families.
Generally rural women operate under greater constraints than men and hence need special intervention and help. They have less access to information, technology, land inputs and credit. Because women have primary responsibility for the home and child care they also have less available time and mobility, while there is much regional variation. Women are frequently illiterate engaged in substance lifestyle and uniform with current skills and technology and are often perceived by male extension agents as being ‘’non-adopters this is true for Kikondo Village.
Women in the slum area of Kikondo Village, Tongolo Parish, Nyenga Sub-county, Buikwe District continue to face serious challenges in carrying out their multiple roles within their families and communities yet their rights and priorities have not been sufficiently addressed by development strategies and gender equality policies. There is still acute slums poverty in Kikondo Village, Tongolo Parish, Nyenga Sub-county, Buikwe District.
Kikondo Village and surrounding areas as a result of assets, limited economic opportunities and poor education capabilities as well as disadvantages rooted in social and political inequalities gender based stereotypes and discrimination deny women in Kikondo village, village in particular equitable access to opportunities resources and services.
In Kikondo Village as a result of lack of education and rate of literacy is high in the area many men have been forced to migrate in search of work in the urban and pre-urban areas and few men has remained to fishing in lake Victoria therefore, as a result women often have the sole responsibilities for farming and raising the children Despite their many responsibilities woman have significantly less access to resources and services they need to increase their productivities and their income and ease their burden of house hold duties.
Women are held back by lack of education unequal property and limited control over resources.
Labour intensive and time-consuming activities further hinder women’s ability to improve their income earning potential. In order for these poor women to prosper and grow their needs and right must be addressed. they also need to be empowered economically and socially with critical life skills that will enable them to become a potent force for change program intervention that enhances gender equality and women’s empowerment and therefore crucial for development poverty reduction and economic growth for the women.
That’s what this project of mission women’s training initiative project will work to achieve
Providing these women with livelihood creation income generation skills will definitely lead to income which in turn will lead to reduced hunger better access to health facilities and better access to education and improved self-esteem for these 120 women who would have undergone the training.
6.1 A total of 60 women will be trained and graduated with skills of measure, cut and hem different types clothing and can demonstrate the sewing skills and generate income.
6.2 A total of 60 women will be trained in tie and dye, liquid soap, candle and Vaseline and beads and calabash.
6.3 A total of 120 women mostly young will underwent this training and get skills in:
6.3-1 Basic health education focusing on hygiene, sanitation and HIV
6.3-2 Basic agriculture, cooperative and marketing
6.3-3 Gender and development
6.3-4 Culture and civil participation in government
6.4 All the 120 target beneficiaries will have benefitted and got training to calabash embroidery tying and dying clothes skills liquid soap candle, Vaseline beads and hair dressing.
6.5 All the 120 women demonstrate the self-esteem and confidence that allow them to be active and productive members of society.
The project location is in the republic of Uganda.
The region of implementation: central region of Uganda.
The district for the location of the project is Buikwe district
The field implementation of the project is in Kikondo village.
With the set objectives quoted in the project aims at the following:
10.1 The project will do much to improve conditions and create job opportunities for women through job creation skills they will acquire:
10.2 Training courses in new skills such as first aid calabash embroidery, knitting weaving basic agronomics and sewing will easy women’s work at home and open up income earning opportunities for them even out of their home
10.3 The project will lead to improving household income and better standard of living hence reduced level of poverty
10.4 And as household become better off there is less pressure on young girls to marry early. This reduces this incidence of the salient but prevalent form of gender violence.
10.5 Women will gain more economic autonomy and that will lead to a new shift in gender relations.
10.6 To provide skills that will lead to self-employment of the women so that they can generate income to help them achieve a stable economic security that allows them to have access to better health and education facilities.
10.7 To create the momentum for an active visionary, practical and sustainable community development field program that is aimed at women empowerment and put women at the center of intervention.
Faithfully yours,
Simon Peter Waidhuuba
P.O. Box 6299, Kampala, Uganda
Telephone: +256-773291047
Email: blesschurches@gmail.com