
RBM Orphanage in Dokolo

We hereby introduce to you the RBM Orphanage in Dokolo, a District in Uganda. We are Born-Again bible believing Christians, whose members came together as a team to preach the truth of God’s word without compromise to advance and build the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

RBM Orphanage is a Christian Organization founded in 2019 by Christians from Jesus Blessing Church at Dokolo. The Mission has strengthened ministry work in vulnerable children’s education services at nursery, primary, and secondary levels.

RBM Orphanage is a Christian non-profit Organization registered by the NGO board of the government of Uganda, No.  S. 5914 / 7406, in accordance to the NGO Registration Statute of 1989.

The Child Development Program (CDP) is an intervention focusing on nurturing God-fearing children into future leaders and citizens who will shape the destiny of our country. By empowering the children and youths it becomes possible to reduce on negative impacts of societal problems in a short time. This will create sustainable community development in addition to improving standards of living in our country, Uganda. The CDP will be managed by our Project Management Team headed by the Project coordinator and supervised by the Director.


The organization was started in 2019 with the aim of assisting and empowering under-privileged and needy children, and women in the surrounding areas. The idea developed as we went on missions to the slums and rural areas of Uganda and we found out that there was a growing number of children who were abandoned or abused sexually and others neglected by Parents and relatives, alongside other societal shortcomings. Several women had suffered domestic violence, HIV/AIDS infection leaving them physically, socially, and emotionally frustrated.

The RBM Orphanage was set up to address these societal concerns holistically by focusing on children and youths. By training and bringing up children properly we are sure of a better society today and in future according to the Bible in Proverbs 22:6. The goal of this program is to improve quality of life of the children through health care, education and skills development. These activities are to be carried out in a Christian environment.

The project activities will be carried out at Church Development Centers in the locality of Jesus Blessing Churches or partner Churches/ministries by church and local leaders. These will be supervised by the Project Team, whose task is the overall Project implementation, monitoring and control. The Project team headed by the PC will report to the Director who co-ordinates directly with the sponsor/financial sponsors.


To empowering under-privileged peoples in the communities with knowledge, skills and resources in order to achieve social, economic and spiritual development.


We envision:   Improved quality of life among all peoples in our society.


A great number of the Ugandan communities are faced with negative effects like illiteracy, unemployment, child-labor, physical and sexual harassment, domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse. All these are caused by poverty due to low or no family incomes coupled with little knowledge and lack of skills.

For a long time, due to abject poverty, civil wars, and diseases; Africa’s growing children have been neglected to poor living conditions, lack of quality education as well as being vulnerable to health tragedies including those related to HIV/AIDS infection.  Most children in impoverished situations grow up with so low self-esteem that they need to be counseled, trained and facilitated to come out of it.

Currently official statistics about children in Uganda indicate that:

  • Over half of Uganda’s population is below 15 years of age.
  • Nearly 20,000 babies are infected with HIV through mother –to -child infections.
  • There are over 3 million orphans in Uganda, out of these; more than 50% are due to HIV/AIDS.
  • The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate is high at 7.9% among adults and young people that are sexually active.

Education data shows that, as a result of Universal Primary Education (UPE), enrolment in Primary schools has risen to 87% but the quality of education and academic performance at Primary level is still low.

Within the Ugandan rural and peri-urban communities, schools are characterized by:

  • Children in schools, study the whole day without a lunch meal because the day schools do not provide meals.
  • Large student-teacher and student-classroom ratios since the public resources are inadequate.
  • Lack of scholastic / learning materials in schools.
  • Many young adults without parents end up dropping out of school due to lack of guidance and safety that parents provide.
  • The girl-child is even disadvantaged much more. Girls are denied access to quality education due to bad traditional practices that expose them to defilement, prostitution, and even forced early marriages.
  • Due to insufficient family resources girls are forced to drop out of school in preference to boys within the same family.

Thank you for visiting this website and I look forward to hearing from you.

Faithfully yours,

Madam Sarah Katushabe
Director, RBM Orphanage
P.O. Box 6299, Kampala (Uganda)
Telephone: +256-754267726